Episode 11 – Auto First Aid Kit

Face it almost all pre-made first aid kits suck big time.  Seriously 1 gauze pad and 5 band aids won’t do squat if there is a real need for emergency care.  The need for a serious first aid kit is particularly greater in an auto compared to the house.  Emergency response times will be higher and there will be less expedient resources available.  After witnessing and helping at a serious accident I truly realized that a “auto first aid” kit purchased at a chain store is pitiful.  My quest led me to the following…


The first and most important part of your first aid kit is training, (First Aid, CPR, AED) GET SOME.   The Red Cross and American Heart Association offer classes as well as many local organizations, employers, and fire departments.  My local Red Cross offers classes starting from $45-$100 depending on the class.  PLEASE GET TRAINED!

The kit I describe in this episode is the First Responder kit by Practical Trauma (NOTE I have no affiliation with this company other than as a satisfied customer).  This kit ain’t cheap and is designed for “First Responders / EMTs”.  It is the only worthwhile kit I have found yet, and if you want it a bit cheaper you could get the parts list and build it yourself for cheaper (1/2 the price is the bag, but I love the bag so I was willing to pay the extra).  Note this bag also contains stuff you may not know how to use, but that is no reason not to have these things, someone who is trained and knowledgeable in their use may be the next guy to pull up and help. OH LOOK!!! Just added a video to YouTube showing this exact kit. VIDEO HERE

I think it is our responsibility as good / moral humans to be prepared to help others when we can, that requires training and equipment.

3 Responses to “Episode 11 – Auto First Aid Kit”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by WendyNC, WendyNC. WendyNC said: @DJ_JAYCEE Helpful information on putting together a good first aid kit: http://bit.ly/bg7EFm #momenttoponder […]

  2. […] I stated in Episode 11 most commercially available first aid kits are inadequate at best, so get some training and build […]

  3. Brian says:

    EDIT… Added link to video.