
A Momnet To Ponder is a podcast that gives us that little kick in the pants that gets us thinking about how to change our lives for the better.  The super awesome voice is that of Brian  a guy that retains just stupid amounts of information from everything he reads.  Good luck he has a sense of humor and an overwhelming need for attention, or you wouldn’t have this super sweet podcast.

5 Responses to “About”

  1. Lenny says:

    Any suggestions for someone who lives in Illinois that wants to use the Amazon affiliate program on a Website?

  2. Joseph Simpson says:

    What’s up with the misspelling of “moment” above? (Your “about” page)
    I don’t find any link to your podcast anywhere in your site.
    I found you through your, “Why I quit using the Neti Pot,” video. I don’t think you did a very clear job of naming the new device you recommend. Given what I think you said, I’ve searched and found no results for a Nasaflo “Sinus Rinse.” Be well always, in all you do!

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