Episode 20 – Social Economics

So I just woke up off the couch, not sure how inspirational the text here will be, and I did get a bit spacey at the end of the episode so stick with it and you’ll feel better when it’s all over, like a scary car ride <whew it’s over!>.

Times are tough.  How do we get through them easier?  Use your social net as an economic boost.

Today we discuss some aspects of Social Economics and how we can use them to better our lives and our wallet.  Follow me along as I start to babble at the end.

This is also kind of Our First Episode of the MTP Book Club – I wonder if it will be as popular as Oprah?  Not likely.  This book is “Commune” by Lazlo Zalezac and I highly suggest it.  I am on my 3rd or 4th reading of it now.  It’s free online so no excuses.

Anywoo here is the podcast and below that there should be a link or two to important things.


3 Responses to “Episode 20 – Social Economics”

  1. Yolanda says:

    I love you, man!! 😉 I would so hang out you, like every day. I love your podcasts, listen all the time! Great information.

    • Brian says:

      Woo! Thanks for listening and spread the word how cool I am. Together we can show those High School Bullies that they should have been nicer to me!
      Also if you have any ideas or requests for the show let me know.

  2. Okay, you rock and I love that you know you rock. We share the same modesty of our work. 🙂