Episode 5 – Introduction to our Preparedness Series

I am introducing a series of podcasts.  A new episode each month will address specific topics regarding personal and family preparedness.  This episode is the introduction and very basic information.


For more information try these links.

5 Responses to “Episode 5 – Introduction to our Preparedness Series”

  1. Brian says:

    Good news, http://www.do1thing.us will be back shortly, they are fixing the site.
    The first episode in this series should be posted tonight, it will cover getting emergency information.

  2. Kacey says:

    I am getting a error ‘File is not found’.

  3. Brian says:

    I apparently don’t know how to spell my own domain name.

  4. rhino says:

    Think I’m going to start doing this too…although I’ll probably crank it up to one thing a week to get it done faster.

    • Brian says:

      Yeah their method is slow, so as not to scare old people.
      Most people should be able to do one a week or perhaps even 2 per week.